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+91 9833347533
Mon - Sat 08:00 - 20:00 / Closed on Weekends
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Quaternary Ammonium Compounds

Nano Active Silver

Surfactant with Neem & Tulsi Extracts


Salt of Quaternary Ammonium Compound

  • Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) irreversibly bind to the phospholipids and proteins of the membrane, thereby impairing permeability.
  • Quats can be formulated with a variety of detergents to provide both cleaning and disinfecting ability
  • Quats contain a positively charged nitrogen atom covalently bonded to four carbon atoms. This positive charge attracts to the Surface and acts as long-lasting persistent activity against micro-organisms
  • Quat is a synthetic quaternary ammonium salt with surfactant, antiseptic, and broad spectrum antimicrobial properties.
  • These are safe and effective in concentrations for the compounds specified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is shown to be effective in mediating its antimicrobial action against bacteria, fungi, mold and viruses.


  • Silver has been used as an antimicrobial for thousands of years. Over the past several decades, it has been introduced into numerous new venues such as in the treatment of water, in dietary supplements, in medical applications, and to produce antimicrobial coatings
  • Silver ions stop oxygen being brought into the virus-producing cell and it dies by suffocation.
  • Elemental silver occurs naturally. It is considered non-toxic, non-allergic, is not cumulative and is not known to harm either wildlife or the environment.
  • Nano Silver works for larger surface area on microbial activity and stop the reproduction of germs.
  • This effect can be so great that one gram of silver nanoparticles is all that is required to give antibacterial properties to hundred of square meters of substrate material.


  • Neem & Tulsi have been used since ancient times. Believed by Sidha & Ayurveda to be antifungal, antibacterial & it destroys the parasitic worms. It protects environment from damage. NCBI Studies show that Neem Tulsi has been effective against E.faecalis.
  • Along with Neem & Tulsi the blended surfactant’s main purpose is to decrease the protein surface and interfacial tension.
  • Surfactants kill the micro-organisms by disrupting the cell membrane. Surfactants are a type of amphipathic compound that can dissolve lipids in water. This allows surfactants to break up the lipids in the cell membrane and dissolve them. Breaking apart the cell membrane disrupts homeostasis in the cell and eventually kills the bacteria/virus/pathogen moulds.
  • Surfactants dissolves proteins from the virus and kills them with synergy from Silver Nano particles, Neem, Tulsi and Quats.



  • Product Name : Disinfectant Commercial Grade (C.G.)
  • Ingredient Information : Hyamine (QAC) C.G., Silver Sulfate C.G. Neem Extract C.G. Tulsi Extract C.G.,Surfactant C.G., Lemon Oil C.G.
  • Appearance : Watery Sea Green Colour.
  • Odour : Citrus
  • pH (as is) : 7.5 – 9
  • Flash Point : Not Combustible
  • Volatiles : Water Compound
  • Flammable Limits : Not Flammable
  • Chemical Stability : This product is stable and unlikely to react or decompose under normal storage conditions.
  • Incompatible Materials : Anionic Surfactants
  • Conditions to Avoid : Mixing with Soaps/Detergents Hazardous
  • Decomposition Products : None
  • Hazardous Reactions : None


Almost every environment on the planet contains bacteria & micro-organisms.

You might be surprised to learn that on one sq. ft. of area there are more than 600,000 micro-organisms. Most are harmless to humans. But disease causing organisms/pathogens can be dangerous or even deadly! Using the right types of disinfectants regularly on surfaces throughout your environment is critical in helping prevent the spread of diseases from the common cold to severe viral diseases. Since there are several types of disinfectants in the market, it’s important to understand how they work.


Disinfectants are chemical agents applied to non-living objects in order to destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold or mildews living on the objects.

The “active ingredient” in each disinfectant formula is what kills pathogens, usually by disrupting or damaging their cells. Active ingredients are usually aided by other ingredients with various purposes.

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What our clients say


As a Restaurant and Banquet operator , with multiple kitchens and outlets , Hygiene & Food safety has always been top priority for us . However amidst this Corona crisis , hygiene criteria got risen up considerably and we have to be now ‘Clinically Hygienic ‘. SANI SWIFT 0% Alcohol Disinfectant came as a trustworthy single solution in various of our needs such as fruits and vegetables cleaning, raw material cleaning,surface cleaning , equipment cleaning & staff sanitisation . It’s properties of being eco friendly , safe for humans , non toxic , fire proof along with pleasent aroma makes it extremely usable for even our blue collar workers to use and take benefit. Just to cite a real experience, All Delivery riders of online food aggregators coming to our restaurants for picking up of food parcels are first sprayed with SANI SWIFT as part of a mandatory procedure to sanitise them. Many riders have appreciated us for this product in comparison to the low quality santisers used by many other food joints, because of which the riders complain of itchiness . Whereas, at Zaika , they willing ask to get themselves completely disinfected. Thanks to the superior quality of this product at these times.
Quality indeed is a timeless trait.
Highly recommended.

Sunil Parmar

Managing Director Zaika Restaurants , Banquets and Apartments .


Keeping our premises clean, hygienic and sanitised is
a major priority in our Sweets business. We have
used several different products to disinfect but
nothing has been as effective as Sani Swift
Disinfectant. The best part is that it is Alcohol free
and yet very effective and leaves a pleasant
fragrance. Highly Recommended!




Being a hospital owner we have been using sodium
hypochlorite solution for years to fight HiV and other
infections until I laid my hands on SANI SWIFT 0%
Alcohol Disinfectant… friendly, non corrosive,
non irritant and safe for humans with effective
protection. We have been using it for surfaces and
general disinfection for my hospital/office and even
at home. It’s very economical too!

Highly recommended.

Dr Abhay Agrawal

GI and Laparoscopic Surgeon Agrawal Clinic Hospital (Malad) Hinduja Hospital Khar Apollo Hospitals Mumbai
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5 Litres (Makes 125 Litres Solution) MRP : 2,999/-

500 Ml. (Makes 12.5 Litres Solution) MRP : 450/-

+91 9833347533