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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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+91 9833347533
Mon - Sat 08:00 - 20:00 / Closed on Weekends
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SANI SWIFT DISINFECTANT was made with a purpose to not be only useful but also to be harmless to people. It is India’s first triple action disinfectant made with QAC (Quaternary Ammonium Compounds), Silver Nano Particles & Surfactant with Neem & Tulsi extracts.

With the world facing the pandemic of covid, one thing is for sure that every small action counts. In an era of social distancing, and where people are getting positive to corona with just a small amount of droplet it is necessary to have a product which is not only useful but also does not cause any harm.

Hence came the Sani Swift disinfectant which has 0% alcohol, 100% vegetarian, Non – Corrosive, Human Friendly, Fireproof, Environment Friendly and can be used in various places to kill the germs. To know more about disinfectant visit our FAQ’s


Send us a message if you have any order.

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+91 9833347533